March 18-22

Important Dates

March 11th-15th –  SPRING BREAK

March 21st – PTO paint party

March 21st – Report cards coming home

March 28th – Easter party at 10:15am

March 29th & April 1st – School holidays



3.7C – (S)- determine the solutions to problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes using pictorial models or tools such as a 15-minute event plus a 30-minute event equals 45 minutes



I can use tools and models to add intervals of time to solve problems.

I can use tools and models to subtract intervals of time to solve problems.



3.9B (R)- identify and describe the flow of energy in a food chain and predict how changes in a food chain affect the ecosystem such as removal of frogs from a pond or bees from a field; and

3.4A – collect, record, and analyze information using tools, including cameras, computers, hand lenses, metric rulers, Celsius thermometers, wind vanes, rain gauges, pan balances, graduated cylinders, beakers, spring scales, hot plates, meter sticks, magnets, collecting nets, notebooks, and Sun, Earth, and Moon system models; timing devices; and materials to support observation of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums.



I can identify the flow of energy in a food chain and predict how changes will affect the ecosystem.
I can describe the flow of energy in a food chain and predict how changes will affect the ecosystem.

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